
Wednesday, July 30

Thank You

I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who checks out my blog. I hope you get some inspiration from my creations. I know I have lots of fun making them. And a special thank you to Karen for awarding me this Brilliant Blogger Award. Wow! I'm speechless.
Now I think I'm supposed to pass it on so.... this is hard, there are lots of great blogs I like to visit.... 20 minutes later, ok the award goes to Sam and Debbie, I couldn't pick just one.

Thank You so much.



  1. Hi Leah - thanks so much for the award - I am truely honoured.

    Am I now to pick some else to receive the award?

    Debbie M

  2. Hi Leah, a big thank you from me too! This is exciting, I've got butterflies!

    I really enjoy your blog, thanks for posting your great work!


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